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Chocolate Milk & A Workout

I thought the chocolate milk is bad for you! It is full of sugars and unhealthy fats right? Think again! A fat chocolate milk after workout drink small supplement may be just what you need to lose fat and gain muscle! Numerous studies have shown that chocolate milk is better than sports drinks like Gatorade, to provide adequate recovery after exercise. No wonder the famous athletes such as Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps, reaping the benefits of chocolate milk after a workout! Keep reading and you can discover why chocolate milk is the best post workout protein on the planet (although perhaps a bit exaggerated). But first, for those who do not know, we will learn why protein and carbohydrates are essential nutrients for recovery after an intense workout.

During intense exercise, the muscles undergo serious changes. In fact, when the muscles are engaged in concentric and eccentric contractions (muscle shortening and lengthening), microscopic tears occur. Scientists believe that the demolition of the muscles is what causes muscle soreness after a workout. Do not worry. It is a natural process! And I think if you're not hurt after a workout does not have a pretty good workout! The body adapts to muscle pain with time and severity of the pain begins to fade. To help rebuild the muscles and make them stronger, amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) should be consumed after a workout. Many experts recommend taking 10-20 grams of whey protein 30-45 minutes before exercise too. I take nutritional supplement CytoGainer 30 minutes before my workout and chocolate milk after my workouts and muscle gains and strength were amazing.

Carbohydrates play an important role in the exercise. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body for most types of exercise. After a good workout, a large portion of carbohydrates in the body are depleted. When this happens, the body often becomes more energy for physical activity, such as fat or protein. The breakdown of protein for energy is counterproductive for someone looking to gain muscle. Fortunately, this can be avoided by the carbs after a workout intense resistance.

Benefits of Chocolate Milk

Complete source of protein. To be a complete source of protein, it must contain all nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are amino acids that can not be synthesized in the body and must come from other foods, while non-essential amino acids are synthesized in the body. If someone is not sufficient quantities of consumption of essential amino acids, health complications, such as reducing the development of the enzyme and muscle may occur. Many plant proteins, such as legumes, are considered incomplete because they lack some of the nine essential amino acids. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, provides all nine essential amino acids that the body needs.

It contains whey protein and casein. The source of whey protein is usually recommended to consume protein after training due to its quick and easy digestibility. It is a medical fact that easy to digest such as whey protein in chocolate milk protein is used by the muscles to recover faster than casein. This is an important concept because the body better time to use protein to build muscle is about 45 minutes after your workout. Yet another of the benefits of chocolate milk is that it contains casein protein as well. Therefore, not only the ingestion of whey protein digestibility ensures fast immediately after training, but casein provides a slow, steady stream of protein several hours later. The high protein content of milk casein makes it an ideal candidate for a protein snack before bedtime.

Containing an appropriate amount of carbohydrates. As mentioned previously, carbohydrates are the main source of fuel the body during intense exercise. After exercise, it is essential that your glycogen stores are filled to accelerate muscle recovery and growth. Some experts believe that the carbohydrate-protein optimum ratio is 4 grams of carbohydrates per 1 gram of protein. A cup of milk, low fat chocolate usually contains about 25 carbs and 8 grams of protein. As you can see, is very close to the optimal levels of protein carbohydrates.

Profitable. Compared to most protein supplements are sold in health food stores and online, chocolate milk is much cheaper. For example, a 16 oz glass of chocolate milk costs about $ 0.50 cents, unlike Endurox R4, which costs about three times more per cup!

Low in fat. 8 ounces of low fat milk chocolate contains only 2.5 grams of fat! It also contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, both of which are to lower cholesterol.

Antioxidants. Milk chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids that can potentially help prevent the onset of heart disease and cancer.

Calcium. Chocolate milk contains an adequate amount of calcium, which not only strengthens bones, but may also help prevent osteoporosis.

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