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Healthy salads recipes

You do not have to be a chef to prepare a healthy and delicious healthy salads recipes in about 15 minutes and healthy salads recipes.

Remember the healthy salads recipes can be refrigerated for at least 24 hours , and still taste great . In fact, some health nuts prefer to leave the salad in the refrigerator for a few hours before serving, just to let the mixture of ingredients.

Healthy ingredients (healthy salads recipes)

This healthy salad recipe is flexible. Experiment with your favorite vegetables , seeds and nuts . The key to healthy salads recipes is to create a balanced mix of colors and textures.

Here are some suggestions:

Red cabbage has a great texture and the same for young carrots. Try grated carrot juice provides . Ripe tomatoes also add a lot of fresh juices for the dressing , while the olives have a rich flavor .

Red onion has a nice color and flavor as healthy salads recipes.

If you want healthy salads recipes , you can add more lettuce, bean sprouts and alfalfa. Another winner is rectified by a nut mix with dressing for a nutty flavor .

As the seeds are sunflower seeds is a personal favorite . Add seeds and nuts favorites . The sweetness of raisins and diced apples as delicious .

So find your favorite ingredients , rinse and cut into pieces means. Then put the chopped vegetables in a large bowl .

Avoid using too much of any ingredient to the healthy salads recipes as balanced as possible.

health vinaigrette

This is the best part of the salad. I suggest you press 1 lime or half a lemon , which are rich in vitamin C, which should normally be enough juice for two servings.

Then add a tablespoon of olive oil, which is delicious and rich in antioxidants.

Mix well and wrap with half a teaspoon of honey if you want a less spicy dressing.

As I mentioned earlier , you can crush a half- nut mix with vinaigrette for a delicious nutty flavor .

Dressing and season with a small amount of black pepper and a little salt . Mix well.

You can also add some of your favorite herbs. Fresh and dried herbs taste . I like rosemary , oregano and sage.

Now , pour the dressing over the healthy salads recipes and give a complete mixture.

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate . A good alternative is to use a plastic container with a lid.

If you leave the salad in the refrigerator for several hours , it is a good idea to mix from time to time to keep it nice and fresh healthy salads recipes.

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