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How Much Water Should I Drink For Fitness ?

It is undisputed that the water is very good for you, but there is much confusion about the amount of water to drink every day.

Water is necessary for the thermo-regulation of body temperature and to prevent overheating. Cleans grease, acids and toxins from the body and keeps the skin healthy. Indirectly, water can facilitate weight loss due to its ability to remove fat from the body.

muscle recovery is also affected due to dehydration. Proteins and amino acids are produced by the body to help repair damaged muscle. The method of manufacturing the body of the protein is reduced due to lack of oxygen and nutrients for dehydration.

Even small amounts of dehydration can have negative effects on the muscles and the body. Dehydration, as little as 3% can reduce your strength, speed and decision making. Dehydration impairs physical performance and mental processes due to lack of oxygen.

It is recommended to drink at least one cup of water every 2-3 hours, depending on body weight. It is usually a total of about 64-80 ounces (8-10 cups) of water throughout the day.

Remember that your body can not digest about 32 ounces (4 cups) of water per hour, or a cup every 15 minutes, so I do not think it is helpful to drink large quantities of water times. However, this recommendation 64-80 oz consideration is given without significant loss of water due to exercise.

Your need for water increases significantly during exercise or work an active job, especially in hot and humid environments. To keep the body cool, their water needs will double in the year in extreme summer conditions. Bring a bottle of water would not be a bad idea for the hot and humid days.

I recommend a pint of water two hours before exercise. It is better to drink moderately and regularly during the day to drink a large amount immediately before exercise. Drinking too much water before the intense activity can cause stomach upset.

Although swallowing some "hot" cold water has been shown to increase water absorption, no they back!

Contrary to popular belief, the sensation of thirst is not a good indicator of hydration level and your need for water. When you're thirsty, it's already a little dehydrated.

The best way to monitor your hydration is the color of your urine. If you are hydrated, your urine should be pale yellow like lemonade. If your dehydrated, your urine will be darker, which means that your kidneys are working more to eliminate waste from your system.

I recommend to drink clean water, rich in minerals instead of distilled water. Distilled, although beneficial in the short term for cleaning, often poor in nutrients due to the distillation process. Nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the body and lack of nutrients can cause big problems. You can get many minerals from the food, however, adequate hydration is necessary for your body to metabolize and absorb nutrients from food.

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