Do you think that these the best effective

solutions for your problem?

Outdoor bootcamp.

Boot Camp classes are popular because they create a fun and challenging fitness class that generates results about outdoor bootcamp!

This is a great routine of outdoor bootcamp fitness classes inside or outside that will leave even experienced pros deleted !

Warm -up (8-10 minutes outdoor bootcamp)

Jog Forward / Backpedal
Carioca Drills
Skip Drills

Intervals of cardio (25-35 minutes)

Interval 1 : Side Squat Jump Star

Start by standing with your feet together . Step to the side and squat. In the bottom of the squat , jump upwards as you extend your arms in volleyball as a blocker for outdoor bootcamp.
Regression rather fast Squat outdoor bootcamp
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval 2 : Squats before Hopping(outdoor bootcamp)

Go forward with both feet four times , landing in a squat every time. Run back to the starting position to go back .
Regression forward and squat four times about outdoor bootcamp, and then return to the starting position .
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 3: High Knees as outdoor bootcamp

Jogging in place, bringing your knees as high as possible .
Regression: Raise your knees spare arm pull down hard from above.
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 4: back slot with Knee High-outdoor bootcamp

Start taking a step back with the right foot into a slot . With your left leg to drive force driving his knee and R in front of you . Continue with the same switching leg and legs in the middle of the range.
Regression : A mix rushes instead
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 5: Pushups with climbers

Begin to driving position. Perform five pumps and immediately transition climbers 30 sec. Repeat .
Regression: Perform pushups on knees.
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 6: Jump Movement

Start jogging in place. After 10 seconds, make a jump , bring your knees to your chest while in the air. Do not let the chest bend forward on the thighs. Press your hands on your thighs and land gently , back to trot.
Regression: Squat instead of jumping .
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 7: jump squats

Start by performing a forward jump squat. You land on your feet, hands planted immediately and perform a squat thrust . At the end of the squat jump forward thrust instead of just walking.
Regression: Walk forward and perform the squat thrust to outdoor bootcamp.
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Interval # 8: Plyometric Lunges to outdoor bootcamp.

Start with a slot. To 4 drives and jump switching leg position in the air and land on the position of deputy slot.
Regression: Remove the jump.
Continue for 30-60 seconds.
30sec rest and repeat.

Exercises and games (5-8 minutes)

Set four seasons with the exercises of your choice. example :
1 . puppets
2 . bikes
3 . jump squats
4. Flutter Kicks

Perform the exercise for 15 seconds and then run right to the next station . After 2-3 turns , reassign stations with new exercises.

Abs and stretching (5-8 minutes)

Start with several plates of 30 60 seconds each. Finish with some difficult abdominal exercises (Russian twist, reverse crunch, etc. ) and end with a full body stretch for outdoor bootcamp.

That's a outdoor bootcamp..

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