Do you think that these the best effective

solutions for your problem?

Matrix gym equipment..

If you've ever found yourself saying that you want to do something (or experience some benefits) , but are unable to get to, it probably means that there is a kind of dichotomy set between the benefits and consequences of action and inaction,matrix gym equipment

This NLP called matrix gym equipment tool can help determine what you are and you can enhance the benefits of the action and / or the consequences of inaction and go.

1 . First,matrix gym equipment you want to take a piece of paper and divide it into four quadrants (as he did at school with the X and Y axes ) +

Ensure that covers the entire sheet-matrix gym equipment .
2 . At the top of the page, write the goal you want to achieve,(matrix gym equipment) but have not acted (eg " exercise every day " or " Make 5 sales / tracking calls per day) .

3 . In the upper left quadrant ( top), "Consequences of such action about matrix gym equipment. "

Now think about matrix gym equipment what you feel you may have to give up or lose to be / achieve this goal. Write down everything that comes to you in this quadrant. (For example, for the year would be: I'm not going to sleep any longer,matrix gym equipment I 'll have to go to bed early , I 'm not going to stay up late watching a favorite program , I have to work / move, I 'll have to sweat , I feel pain , etc., to the calls could be : " They might say no and I feel rejected , I feel like I'm desperate for customers who can not tell you it straight flight ,matrix gym equipment etc. )

4. In the upper right quadrant ( on top) , type " benefits of action (matrix gym equipment). "

Think of what you earn per share / achieving this goal . Write down everything that comes to you in this quadrant (eg ,matrix gym equipment, for the year - I 'm going to lose weight, I feel better , I'll put in my small clothes, I will be able to get more dates, I drugs can lose , I'll have more energy , I can live longer , I can mountain walking / running races again / down and not get tired matrix gym equipment, etc. )

5. In the lower left quadrant ( on the bottom) , type "The consequences of not acting for matrix gym equipment. "

Think positive is likely to give up and leave out if nothing is done / achieve this goal. Write down everything that comes to you in this quadrant (eg matrix gym equipment, for the year may cause: I will not be able to play a lot with my children / grandchildren , I 'm going to die soon , I will not be able to mount Chichen Itza when I go on my trip to Cancun , I am a size equal to or greater ____ always , my diabetes will worsen and I 'm going to start giving me insulin injections , I'll die of a heart attack , my go higher insurance costs matrix gym equipment, etc.).

Be very honest and think about all the possible opportunities for you and others like you , now and in the future.

6. In the lower left quadrant ( on the bottom) matrix gym equipment, "The benefits of not acting. " From Think type that you have to maintain or enjoy if nothing is done / achieve this goal. Write down everything that comes to you in this quadrant (eg , I will not have to worry about going to bed earlier and get up earlier to fit , I will not have to sweat / feel some pain , I can not stay in my comfort zone , I can watch TV instead , I don ' not have to pay (more) gym equipment / membership for the year matrix gym equipment, I do not have to buy smaller clothes, I can keep my identity as the funny fat ; won 't lose weight and you do will not be unwanted male attention as I did in the past , I can continue to smoke , etc.).

7. Now take a moment to look consciously on the elements of each quadrant matrix gym equipment, and how it feels to read each section. Ask yourself: What are the elements of the left upper and lower quadrants - entitled the most emotionally charged them? Put stars next to them or highlight . These are probably the strongest influencers you remain trapped in inaction ( or action inconsistent & matrix gym equipment ) .

One of the laws of the mind, is that when there are two conflicting emotions matrix gym equipment, the strongest always wins. To act now and consistently to achieve your goal (s), must find a way to make holes in the validity of these unproductive beliefs or decrease their emotional charge , or to make the emotional burden of the other quadrants more .

Visualization, affirmations and other techniques that I use and teach my clients ( Hypnosis , NLP , EFT , etc.) are the fastest and most effective ways to make this change in the thought of being happy, what you really want in life and reach their full potential. This is what we all deserve.

If you want to learn and take advantage of some of these tools to help you stay motivated and achieve more than you could on your own , there are three options that you can choose now:

1 . Sign up for freee 9 days e-course ( instructions in your e -mail ), " 25 ways to get and stay motivated. " In this case, I will share with you ideas for 9 days on the motivation and guidance and specific techniques to break the habits of procrastination and enhance their motivation to act . Sign up here matrix gym equipment.

2. Sort hypnosis recording , "Building Dynamic motivation" that pervades these thoughts and habits easily for you, or one specifically for exercise motivation - "Wake Up exercise power " Visit my store for more and order the CD or MP3 download about matrix gym equipment.

3. For faster and better results, you can work with me personally in closed session to meet your needs, challenges and personality type. To learn more about him in his free , no obligation consultation by phone or in person in ordre to matrix gym equipment.

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