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How to Keep Yourself Fit

Fitness is a challenge and one that requires time, effort and sacrifice. But fitness is not the end of the road. Now comes the maintenance it needs to stay healthy for many years to come.

The question is how to do it? What are the steps you must take to ensure that your previous work will not lose?

In this article I want to talk about how you can stay fit and healthy. Apply these tips and you can still see the results you achieve so well.

Stage 1 assessment and measurementYou must know where you are today to be able to accurately determine any improvement or deterioration in his physical condition. You need to weigh and measure the width of the shoulders, waist and hips.Then save the weight that is capable of printing, the number of pulls and push-ups that can be done, and try their level of cardio. This will be your starting point, the level you have to maintain.Step 2 Hours

Now you need to determine what type of exercises you need to do to remain at its current level or better. You know what you need, because it came in the form. What you need to do is to replicate or improve your current exercise routine (note that you get older this may change).

I would like to plan your workouts. They have a pre-determined time each week that you train in the gym. You should also know what you do in each workout. Basically, it is a plan of action to take from now on.

Step # 3 The food is the key

Now that you're in shape, you have to watch your diet. You can not expect to enjoy irresponsible and hope everything stays the same. Maintaining a healthy diet and thin and it will be much easier to maintain your current fitness level.

Step # 4 Do not miss

You must track your results. This is similar to the first step that you took. This should be done on a monthly basis. It is not very often to be annoying, but it's still often enough to give you the opportunity to take action if your fitness level begins to slide.

Follow these tips and you'll be able to stay in shape.

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